Saturday, February 28, 2009

Opening Ceremony of Block B

The board invited the former MP for Batu Kawan who to officiate the building who had assisted all the way up to now. Thanks to all who had attended and help making this project a success. May God bless you.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Gotong - Royong

With the Block C & B completed together with the new washroom, we did a gotong royong to wash and prepare for the 2009 school session. We were assisted by the friends related to the board member. Thanks to all that had helped.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Construction of Block B & Wash Room

The construction of the Block B & wash room was done during the school holidays in November 2008. By February 2009 the building was ready. The former MP of Batu Kawan assisted us by requesting for the fund - RM 100,000.00  from the Federal government. Lions club had also help with RM 20,000.00 for the construction of the wash room. Thanks to all that had assisted and help us. May the Lord bless them.